- Appraisal: Replacement method, formula method, or cost of cure, for legal, insurance or planning purposes.
- City/County Reports: Removal or preservation reports to city or county standards.
- Diagnostics: Shigometer, starch tests, penetrometer, root investigation, and site evaluation.
- Expert Witness: Court experienced, deposition, mediation, arbitration, and reports.
- Hazard Evaluation: Risk analysis (current methods) defect identification and investigation. Decay, root health and branch attachment investigation. Abatement options explored.
- Inspection: Inspection of trees or palms at nursery or site for health and structure.
- Root Investigations: Inspection of tree or palm roots for health and location. Root and root crown excavation using supersonic Air Knife does not harm roots.
- Palm Expert: Selection, culture and diagnostics based upon years of experience growing palms and years of study.
- Pruning Specifications anfd Supervision: Production of written specifications unique to project. Monitoring, instructing and supervising field work.
- Species Selection: Edited computerized palnt selection, using very large database for selection.
- Tree Maintenance and Monitoring Plans: Irrigation, fertilization, mulching, pruning and replacement schedules for long term maintenance contracts or long term recovery of sick or injured trees.
- Tree Preservation: Planning protectioin, compaction prevention, construction method alternatives, preliminary root cutting, and monitoring. Tree relocation advice.